Friday Aug 06, 2021
Iota Unum Talk No. 8 - ‘After Traditionis Custodes‘ by Joseph Shaw
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
On the issue of the Motu Proprio 'Traditionis Custodes', Chairman of the LMS Joseph Shaw launches our second series of the popular podcast series with an in depth analysis of the recent apostolic letter on the restrictions of the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
Documents quoted and referred to in the Podcast:
Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter Traditionis Custodes (2021):
Pope Francis, Letter to Bishops (2021):
1971 Petition of cultural figures in support of the Traditional Mass:
Survey of Mass-goers showing that the those attending the Traditional Mass are more orthodox than others:
Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Sacrificium Laudis (1966)
Pope Paul VI, General Audience Address 26th November 1969 (value of the Traditional Mass):
Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Dominicae Cenae (1980):
Pope John Paul II, Address to the Congregation for Divine Worship (2002):
Pope Benedict XVI, Letter to Bishops (2007):
Pope Francis, Press Conference on return from Chile (2013):
Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei Adflicta (1988):
Pope John Paul II, Audience with Monks of Le Barroux (1990) (in French):
Letter from Cardinal Angelo Felici to Fr Josef Bisig, 1999, quoted from Leo Darroch Una Voce: the History of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce 1964-2003 (2018) p348
Cardinal Raymond Burke on the merger of Missals: reported in the National Catholic Reporter, 2011:
Cardinal Robert Sarah on the same subject: reported in the National Catholic Reporter 2017:
Sacred Congregation for Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici (1964):
FIUV Position Paper on Liturgical Pluralism:
David Mills in the Catholic Herald, Free the Latin Mass, for the good of the Church and the people who need it, 6thJuly 2021.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 1988 Address to the Bishops of Chile:
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Salt of the Earth (1996): A community is calling its very being into question when it suddenly declares that what until now was its holiest and highest possession is strictly forbidden and when it makes the longing for it seem downright indecent.
Rita Ferrone, A Living Catholic Tradition: Pope Francis unifies the Roman Rite in Commonweal 23rd July 2021:
A few books of the Reform of the Reform:
Fr Aiden Nichols OP Looking at the Liturgy: A Critical View of Its Contemporary Form (1996)
Fr Jonathan Robinson The Mass and Modernity: Walking to Heaven Backward (2005)
Mgr Andrew Burnham Heaven and Earth in Little Space: The Re-enchantment of Liturgy (2011)
Fr Michael Lang Turning Towards the Lord: Orientation in Liturgical Prayer (2014)
Pope Benedict Letter to Bishops (2007):
Pope Benedict XVI, with Peter Seewald: Last Testament: In His Own Words (2017)
Pope Paul VI, General Audience Address 19th November 1969 (putting an end to uncertainty):
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
The New Age: Roger Buck talks to Joseph Shaw
Continuing from Part 1: What is the New Age?
Part 2: Theosophy and the roots of the New Age
Roger Buck was born in California, was brought up partly there and partly in England, and has also lived in various places on the Continent. He is currently living in Ireland. He spent close to three years living at the New Age centre at Findhorn in Scotland, and nearly twenty years in the New Age milieu, before his conversion. Roger’s conversion story is described in his book Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, which defends the Latin Mass and details the tragedy of the post-Vatican II Church.
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
The New Age: Roger Buck talks to Joseph Shaw
Part 1: What is the New Age?
Part 2 : Theosophy and the roots of the New Age
Roger Buck was born in California, was brought up partly there and partly in England, and has also lived in various places on the Continent. He is currently living in Ireland. He spent close to three years living at the New Age centre at Findhorn in Scotland, and nearly twenty years in the New Age milieu, before his conversion. Roger’s conversion story is described in his book Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, which defends the Latin Mass and details the tragedy of the post-Vatican II Church.
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
In the second part of this Iota Unum Podcast with Catholic writer and researcher Kevin Symonds, Joseph Shaw discusses conspiracies and conspiracy theories.
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
In the latest series of talks from the Latin Mass Society, Joseph Shaw discusses with Kevin Symonds, Catholic writer and researcher, the Origin of the prayer of St Michael, the third secret of Fatima and was Bugnini a freemason?
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Maria Madise works for Voice of the Family and is the editor of their monthly magazine Calx Mariae
Among other things, Maria discusses the original ‘schemata’ presented to the Second Vatican Council, which were intended as the first drafts of Council documents. Nearly all of these schemata were rejected, when the more progressive Council Fathers sought to gain control of the Council’s organisation.
The schema on Chastity, Marriage, the Family and Virginity represents a very useful summary of the magisterium on these closely related topics, and can be seen in English here.
Maria also drew attention to an initiative of Voice of the Family, Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism, a video programme of the entire Baltimore Catechism, presented by Fr Anthony Pillari, and to Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s ‘Twelve Steps to Surviving as a Catholic Family’.
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Daniel Dolley holds a DPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford. He has studied indigenous religions within the Amazon region, and also on the western side of the Andes where he conducted his own ethnographic field research. The indigenous cultures of these two lowland regions have much in common and are distinct from those of the Andes.
Daniel’s article in the Catholic Herald, which anticipates some of the themes of this podcast in relation to the controversial Amazon Synod of October 2019, can be seen here; a letter in response to his article, from Dr Pia Joliffe reflecting on her similar experiences in Chiang Mai in Thailand, is reproduced here. Following the Amazon Synod the Holy Father gave his response to it in the document Querida Amazonia, which Daniel commented on in a further article for the Catholic Herald, reproduced here. For the full text of the Amazon Synod see here.
For more of Daniel’s writing visit his Academia.edu profile: Daniel J Dolley -Academia.edu
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
In the Second of the Latin Mass Society's Iota Unum Series, Dr John Rao speaks with Dr Shaw on the destruction of New York in Lockdown, on the impact of the recent riots in the USA and Jacobinism and the French Revolution.
John Rao received his DPhil from Oxford University, and for many years has been Associate Professor at St John’s University, New York. He is also the Director of the Roman Forum which was founded by Dietrich von Hildebrand. Among other things the Roman Forum organises an annual (in normal times) Summer Symposium in the northern Italian town of Gardone Riviera. This is a major gathering of traditionally-minded Catholic writers and academics from all over Europe and North America, whose proceedings have also appeared in book form, notably Luther and His Progeny which is edited by Dr Rao.
A great many of Dr Rao’s talks can be downloaded (for a small fee) from the Keep the Faith website associated with the Latin Mass Magazine; the Roman Forum Church History Lectures are available on SoundCloud, and a huge number of articles and other writings can be found on the Dr Rao’s website For the Whole Christ.
Dr Rao’s lectures have also found their way into book form, notably his Centenary Meditation on a Quest for Purification Gone Mad. Other recent books of his include a discussion of the history of the Church, Black Legends and the Light of the World and Removing the Blindfold: Nineteenth Century Catholics and the Myth of Modern Freedom.
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
What is the relationship between Gregorian Chant and prayer.
Matthew is the Director of Music at Mayfield School and a Regional Director of Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge. A Cambridge graduate, with a doctoral thesis on twelfth-century chant, he was involved in singing Gregorian Chant at the Catholic Chaplaincy, Fisher House, and has since then done much to support chant in both Forms of the Roman Rite, with singing and training as well as lectures around the country.
Anyone wanting to hear more of Matthew can listen to a series of podcasts featuring on Radio Maria England: "The Rosary in Music" (search here).
Those interested in Gregorian Chant can find a huge amount of material on the website of the Church Music Association of America, MusicaSacra.com (resources page).
Friday May 30, 2014
Friday May 30, 2014
The superior of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Transalpine Redemptorists), based at Golgotha Monastery on the Orkney island of Papa Stronsay. A completely Traditional Order, their canonical status was regularised after having reconciled with the Holy See following Summorum Pontificum, having previously worked for many years with the SSPX.